Robert “Bo” Porter was born on March 10, 2006. For most of us, the birth of a child is a time of rejoicing and wonder. It was such a time for Bo’s parents, Rob and Katey, but Bo’s birth was also a time of fear and anxiety. He was nine weeks early and weighed less than three and half pounds. Bo was born with a rare condition called omphalocele, with his stomach, liver, intestines, and other internal organs on the outside of his body. Critically ill at birth, he spent the first 265 days of his life in a hospital.
Bo has survived many surgeries to correct his birth defects, but his battle is far from over. Thankfully he is at home with his family now, but he remains on life support, breathing only with the help of a ventilator, and requires care around the clock. Though he has also survived many infections, his heart and lungs have problems related to the extended illness and need for ventilation. In the coming months and perhaps even years Bo will have extensive treatment and many more surgeries to face.Rob and Katey are tremendously grateful for their little son, and in spite of the many challenges their spirits and their faith remain strong. Their finances, on the other hand, have been exhausted. In addition to tens of thousands of dollars in outstanding medical bills, they have had substantial travel expenses as Bo’s condition required extended hospitalization in Peoria, far from their home in Urbana. Additional surgeries are likely to be in Peoria as well. Given Bo’s situation his mother Katey is only able to work part time, and unfortunately his father Rob is currently unemployed. Katey and Bo are currently receiving public aid; however it does not cover many of the financial obligations for Bo’s care that were incurred before they qualified for assistance.
For this reason, a few friends are working together to raise money to assist this family in their time of need. While it is unlikely that we will be able to raise sufficient funds to eliminate all the outstanding medical bills and partially supplement the cost of his care and related expenses, we are doing what we can to help ensure that they can be reduced to the point where the family can continue to make reasonable monthly payments and still cover the ongoing costs of Bo’s care.
My husband wrote this for me and I think he did a lovely job.
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The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our need and request your participation.
How you can help: Please choose two or more…
1. We’re asking everyone who reads this letter to pray for this family.
2. Become one of their Sponsors. Suggested Sponsor Levels are:
a. Charitable Organization, Corporate, Group or Business Sponsor = $2500.00
b. Family Sponsor = $1250.00
c. Individual Sponsor = $625.00
3. Participate in a 50/50 Raffle – Information is available from this website. Drawing 2/24/07.
4. Donate items for a Silent Auction to be held in April / May 2007.
5. Donate Items directly to the family such as gift cards for things like diapers and etc.
Another way to help is to become a local contact for your group, organization, or charity. A sample "closing paragraph" on our letter that includes your information is a great way to keep people informed.
To learn more about how to help, please contact (Insert Your Name) at (Insert Your Phone Number) or email at (Insert Your E-mail Address). Additional Raffle and Silent Auction information is available via email at and or website:
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